"Breathe" by Sissel Tvedte
I have found this book to be an inspirational read and highly recommend it to you.
Watch interviews with Sissel when she was 80 years old on YouTube:
Breath, Life & Re-birthing
Sissel Tvedte with Anne Hess on "Breathing"
Sissels Jupitersenteret - Jupiter Centre - continues as a foundation after her death in 2020.
Please visit us in person or www.jupitersenteret.no Contact: katietrenary@yahoo.co.uk, 07946847230.
"Her message of love rings pure and true" - Kindred Spirit Magazine
"Sissel's book is an excellent story of rebirthing breathwork. She is down to earth and gives great encouragement for many practical problems we all face." - Leonard Orr, Founder of Rebirthing Breathework, USA
"Breathe" by Sissel Tvedte is available in Watkins and Waterstones, bookshops and on Amazon for £5.99.
For further enquiries please contact Katie Trenary in Cornwall:
Phone: +(44)7946847230
Email: katietrenary@yahoo.co.uk
You can also found out more about Sissel Tvedte by visiting her website: www.jupitersenteret.no